For media inquiries, contact Jonathan Seefeldt at media@openetdata.orgPress Releases

November 18th, 2024
OpenET Announces Sara Larsen as New Chief Executive Officer

October 21, 2021
Consortium Launches New Online Water Data Platform to Transform Water Management in the Western United States as Droughts Intensify

October 21, 2021
SEPTEMBER 15, 2020
EDF, NASA, DRI and Google Announce Web Application to Transform Water Management in the Western United States
Blog posts

OpenET Blog
Upper Colorado River Commission and Bureau of Reclamation move to satellite-based ET for consistent consumptive water use measurements

Measuring water use in California’s Delta is a “fool’s errand.” OpenET will change that.

Accelerating data-driven water management in the West

OpenET: A Satellite-Based Water Data Resource
Transforming Water Management in the U.S. West with Satellite Data
Image credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab
EDF Voices
Keeping food on the table when water is scarce is a balancing act. This new app will help.
Measuring irrigated water use has been a challenge for decades. This new tool will change that.
Media Coverage

US Embassy in Brazil
NASA expands the use of freshwater tool to protect the Amazon

NASA Science
OpenET Study Helps Water Managers and Farmers Put NASA Data to Work

OpenET Launches a New API

AZ Central
How much groundwater is rural Arizona using? NASA satellites could give us a better answer
New data platform could help with more accurate water management across drought-prone states

Bloomberg BusinessWeek
Google Wants to Save the Planet With Satellite Images
GV Wire
Will This Space-Age Tool Transform Water Use in Valley?
Wine Business
NASA Launches OpenET Online to Provide Crop Water Use Data
Estimation of Evapotranspiration
Irrigation Today
New data tool transforms water management in the West with satellite data
The Nevada Independent
Nevada researchers, NASA launch online data platform to help Western water users manage limited supplies
USGS Eyes on Earth Podcast
Watching the Water Supply with OpenET
Ag Net West
OpenET Project Seeks to Transform Water Management in the West
High Plains Journal
Water management could be transformed by new web application
OpenET project expands availability of water data
For media inquiries, contact Jonathon Seefeldt at