Dr. Ayse Kilic

Ayse leads the development of the OpenET METRIC application and its implementation and testing. She has been a co-leader for the development of the Google EEFlux version of METRIC over the past ten years https://eeflux-level1.appspot.com/. Ayse’s research develops and evolves procedures for applying satellite-based ET to improve management of ground-water and surface water systems. Ayse was a member of the national Landsat Science Team from 2012-2017, a member of the NASA Energy and Water Cycle Science Team, and is a current member of the NASA ECOSTRESSS Science Team. She has  helped define specifications for thermal imagers on future Landsat satellites and created the Google GEARUP App for mapping and conserving water in residential and agricultural landscapes http://residentialwateruse.appspot.com/ on the Google Earth Engine. Dr. Kilic teaches university courses in Surface Hydrology, GIS in Water Resources, GIS and Remote Sensing in Natural Resources, Google Earth Engine and Python Programming in Natural and Water Resources. (M.S., Ph.D. Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida).

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